How to describe a person in 3 SIMPLE STEPS PT. 1

By Angélica González B. - March 14, 2024

 Welcome back to my blog!

This time I'll be sharing with you an assigment we had for "Identities". It was listing adjectives that represented the person we chose to describe.

3 Steps

In this case, the first thing I did was to look at the picture in a very general way.

Then I identified the principal elements, dividing the picture in different areas. I asked myself some question to discover what element characterized the picture itself, for example:

How does she look? Does she look old? Does she have a youthful appeareance? Is she wearing a specific hairstyle? How does her hair look?

I wrote some answers to those question in the "Physical Appearance" section. (Shown in the picture below). Later I went for more specific features, like clothes and accesories.

In this section I was observing carefully each aspect of the person from my picture. I started by the face, the head, the torso and the lower body.

After all of that, I described my person by the following adjectives:

The person I was desribing in this activity, Anne Burrell in her book: Own your kitchen.

By the end of this post you know these 3 simple steps to describe a person, now with the help of vocabularies, you can start writing more about this elements in the picture.

Here you have some helpful links to help you enrich your vocabulary:

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